Beanie and the Tooth

Two days ago, in the bathtub, the Bean put her fingers in her mouth. Nothing new there, for my little sensory-seeker.

But then she said, “Oh no! It’s tooth!”

It then occurred to me that my little buddy is 5 years old, and that I had lost my first tooth at that age. And, sure enough, one of her lower front teeth was VERY loose. It would be coming out anytime.

And Beanie was obsessed with it. Her fingers remained in her mouth all through bath, story, and bedtime–she even fell asleep playing with that tooth.

In the morning, she seemed to have forgotten about it. Rob watched her carefully, to catch when it came out. However, he averted his attention for a moment, while Beanie ate some “peanut butter bread.”

When she was finished the tooth was gone. She had swallowed it.

We explained the Tooth Fairy to Beanie, but she only looked at us skeptically. In the morning, when Rob woke her up, he told her to look under her pillow. Still giving him that skeptical, sideways look, she reached under it, and pulled out 4 quarters! This was an amazing find, for the Bean!

Since then, she has been obsessing over the empty space, where her tooth once was. She opened my mouth and looked in, the make sure that had a tooth in that place. I assured her that she would grow a new tooth, but of course she didn’t believe me…

9 thoughts on “Beanie and the Tooth

  1. Awesome! Ava lost a tooth on Saturday, that makes 7 for her. She is putting the money back under the pillow and wishes to buy her tooth back!!!!

  2. Get a picture of her smile. I hate to see those cute little baby teeth go. We will see you guys Friday for the haircut & dinner date.

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